Saturday, July 27, 2024

New Feature- Integrating with your Hubspot CRM

Featuring our latest video

Brush up on your lead and contact management with our new tool! 

Contact and lead management is a crucial part of marketing and sales efforts, as Marketing Qualified Leads (MQL’s) are people you could potentially be doing business with in the future. MQL’s are people who have shown interest in what you have to offer. MQL’s can come to you in many ways, and our platform specifically offers ways in which these leads can end up right in your inbox and CRM solution.

Lead management requires involvement and nurturing from you or your team. Leads will be received, and that is a great start, but you have to engage and nurture them to move them from potential customer to buyer. Managing your leads requires identifying your leads, understanding what they’re looking for, providing them with consistent, relevant content, using open communication, and measuring the outcome and success of your engagement.

Using your CRM to manage your Leads

Leads can be received by using the “Build Your List” assets through the “Share This” or “Email This” functions. To learn more about receiving leads, please read How to view leads and where they come from, and Build Your List Items. Once a potential prospect fills out a Build Your List form, you will receive that lead’s contact information in an email, or you can have it come through to your CRM solution. To learn more about using your CRM solution to manage leads, please read Integrating Your Hubspot CRM. Identifying your leads is fairly easy because you can have them all remain in the same place by funneling them to certain contact lists in the platform, or in your CRM. Use their contact information to identify who they really are and what they’re looking for. Hubspot allows you to create contact fields and have that field populate with the Build Your List Item they are interested in. What piqued their initial interest?

To learn more about integration with your Hubspot CRM solution, please visit our Knowledge Base. Read Integrating Your Hubspot CRM, and view our latest Quick Tip Video: Integrating Your Hubspot CRM for more information.

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