Saturday, July 27, 2024

Building Partner Enablement Programs on a “Tsunami of Cash”

Before the COVID pandemic, Infoblox would kick off its partner summit events with a keynote on the “tsunami of cash” the partner organization was there to help drive. 

Although the cash is still coming in — with 95% of it being driven by partners — the face-to-face interactions between partners and the Infoblox global partner organization aren’t happening for reasons we all know.

Lori Commesser, Infoblox VP of Worldwide Partner and Alliance Sales, and Sandy Janes, Infoblox Senior Director of Global Partner Programs, talked to me recently about the challenges of keeping partners motivated during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This video shows highlights of our conversation, which centered on the elevated importance of loyalty and connections, and finding innovative ways to incentivize partners to continue driving cash in the new, post-COVID normal. 

Lori shared valuable feedback she got from a partner during the early stages of COVID office shutdowns. “In these times, this is where loyalty is formed,” she recalls the partner saying.

Sandy talked about an enablement approach focused on “helping partners make money while having fun.” (Not unlike the message conveyed in one of my favorite songs from the ’80s, “Opportunities”, by the Pet Shop Boys.) 

Watch the video for a closer look at Infoblox’s three-pronged channel enablement strategy which includes incentives, training, and face-to-face time with company leadership committed personally to taking the pulse of how partners are doing.

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