Saturday, July 27, 2024

Old Dogs Need Love, Too

By Percy Mesnik

Let me share a story with you about how I was the queen! My people used to love me more than anything. Then, one day, they brought home this strange animal.  What the F – is this, and why does it keep swiping at my tail?

This strange beast (Piper) was trying to take my people from me. My choices were to eat it, or ignore it. I decided to ignore this feline fella, and continued to demand love from my humans!

And that worked. Things were going along just fine, until…


This new, very funny looking canine, Loki, came bounding into the house. How can my people think this is okay? How can they still provide me the much-deserved attention and keep this hooligan around?!

Well, let me tell you the lesson that I learned! While these new intruders had come in and tried to take what is rightfully mine, my people discovered a way to still provide me with that special attention that only I, the queen of the house, deserve.

You B2B marketer types might refer to this as “nurturing a relationship.” Onboarding new clients or animals is important, but you cannot forget the OGs who helped you get to where you are and taught you how to be a strong and effective provider.  

Here at the homestead, we rely on quality content: “atta girl”, “good job”, and random treats. You want to ensure you are sharing a good message with your clients, too. My owner spends a lot of time sitting on his ass and talking about content marketing, and its power and importance. He has this awesome-sounding program that helps businesses not only bring in new deals, but also help nurture the ones they have. Just like my owner did with me. Though, I wouldn’t be that sad if the hooligan disappeared.

I mean, look at her, always getting up in my space. Just leave me alone!

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