Friday, February 14, 2025

Partner Spotlight – Steven Palange

We are so excited to start featuring our PartnerOn partners in a new section: Partner Spotlight. We love being able to share marketing challenges, best practices and successes!

Our first interview is with Steven Palange, Information Technology Infrastructure Specialist at TLIC.  Steven has been using PartnerOn since April, and already sees the value of consistent content marketing. Thank you Steven for being a champion of PartnerOn!

What are the top three verticals you sell to?

Financial, healthcare and technology companies.

How do you use PartnerOn? 

We use PartnerOn to both educate and develop an awareness of the changing technological environment. PartnerOn is great for brand building and both showing and offering value to our Customers and Prospects.

What do you love about it?

We love that PartnerOn saves us about 20 hours a week @ $20/hr in having to hire a marketing intern to post consistently to our social media. And more important than the service of posting for us….it’s the content that is invaluable and can’t be replicated anywhere else. The knowledge source for these social media posts is curated by leading vendors like Microsoft, HP, and more.

Why do you think others can gain from using it?

If you are an IT reseller, MSP or BSP you should be using PartnerOn. And as they open up their services to other industries…..the companies that use PartnerOn have a major advantage over those who don’t utilize this incredible service.

Can you share any best practices that you use for content marketing?

We follow many of the HubSpot principles of trying to reach out to multiple contacts over several weeks.

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