Saturday, July 27, 2024

The secrets of your customers unveiled

There is a secret map found deep in the data provided by the ContentMX content marketplaces.  Only PartnerOn provides unparalleled access to these secrets.  The starting point? Understanding the path the content takes.

In order to grow your business and understand who both your partners and end-users are, you probably find yourself firing at a moving target. But what if there was a way for vendors and partners alike to gain a deeper understanding of both partners and consumers? What would you want want to learn? ContentMX content marketplaces offer a unique view into the behaviors of the technology marketplace. Take a look at just some of the pieces of the puzzle that we have access to…

Every month PartnerOn creates:

  • Over 25,000 consumer clicks
  • Over 1,600 social MQL’s
  • Over 6.5 million impressions

Through consumption patterns we can see that businesses are looking to learn more about:

  • Moving to the cloud
  • Hybrid Work 
  • Hybrid cloud
  • Cloud Security
  • Multi-cloud
  • Data and CRM
  • AI
  • Devices

Based on our partner profiling we know that the clients they serve are In multiple industries:

  • Manufacturing
  • Farming
  • Medical
  • Financial Services
  • Education
  • Government

The engagement numbers grow every month, as more companies in the channel discover the value of one destination for all the marketing content to grow their business. Additionally, companies are saving dollars on paid marketing services by using a free service from PartnerOn, all while maintaining the same level of privacy for their data. 

Content consumption from our marketplaces provides members of the channel, suppliers, and vendors a single source of information about the interest of the consumers, the needs of the partners, and the response to different types of content. PartnerOn blindly aggregates the data around consumption of content at all levels. Providing the answers needed to continue to support a market. 

We can then see what types of engagement lead to new sales. Was it…

  • Registering for an assessment? 
  • Engaging with a white paper, or a case study?  
  • Attending a webinar?

By looking at content consumption users can draw lines that connect content to closing a deal. And while the buying process may not be linear, partners can see what components help the buying process move along.

Our insights grow every month while keeping all the information private.  Join one or all of our content marketplaces, and learn more by clicking here. 

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