Eighteen hundred people attended the Ingram Micro Cloud Summit a few weeks ago, and I was fortunate to be one of them. Let me tell you, people are excited to be back out and meeting each other face to face! The welcome back was fully celebrated, from dancers to great music to a fireworks celebration!! Thank you vaccines for making it safe to meet in person again.
VMware made a big impact on the summit. Not only did they invest in the event, but they proved that investing in their partners and partner programs is a priority. VMware demonstrates some of the best margins and provides partners with a process that is easy for them to deploy.
During one of the sessions led by Sarah Mowczko of VMware and Curtiz Ghandi of Ingram Micro, they discussed the opportunity to move a vSphere based environment to the VMware Cloud on AWS Services. This aggressive program can offer up to a 40% service margin in a growing business.
Robert Shoemaker President of Professional Computer Associates Inc, said it succinctly when describing the benefit of being an Ingram Micro partner: “I love VMC, my team and I don’t have time to learn a new technology but I want to make money. VMC is less work and more money? I am in.”
Here is an example of potential partner earnings from the VMware presentation at Ingram Cloud Summit. The example shows a program that was sold for $500k and how much the partner makes. The partner paid $465K and received $25K when they did a proof of concept. Then $36K in cloud activation incentives, which involves moving them to the cloud, requiring the partner to activate a client on a AWS cloud platform.
Take a look at this revenue timeline for an Ingram Micro Cloud partner. We can see the partner has numerous revenue opportunities along the path toward completing the sale.
For partners who are interested in learning more, you can sign up for our demand-generating marketing content stream at contentmx.com/partneron. Get weekly VMware content that will support your sales process and level up your digital content marketing.