Saturday, July 27, 2024

We Are Excited for 2022

This past year has been one of tremendous growth for us at ContentMX. We have seen products and services shift to accommodate the hybrid office, and more need for partners to meet customers and prospects virtually. Most importantly, users of our platform have positioned themselves as resources to their networks, and in so doing are in the forefront of buyers’ minds when making purchase decisions. This past year we explored what it means to be a social seller, the value of a content marketplace, we took deep dives into what interests partners and consumers, and explored how to parlay social reaction into sales. We accomplished a lot, and we are excited to do even more in 2022! 

New Unique and Powerful Features

Your account features are always growing to bring you new ways to turn content into business opportunities. In addition to unique features like Active Lead Reports and Buy Signals, you can enjoy our new Social MQLs and integrations to CRM platforms such as Dynamics, Hub Spot, and Salesforce. 

New Features Coming: Custom branded video intros!

Soon we will feature new connections to Instagram and Pinterest, “Meet with Me” appointments, and more! In particular, we are excited to announce custom branded Intros and Outros. With this feature, every video you share can include a short clip with your own personalized introduction and an optional follow-up at the end. Now you can have an even greater impact on your customers and prospects!

Your Account, Your Data

Remember that with your account, your data remains your own. Your account is for you alone, with all your data stored securely by ContentMX in a vendor-agnostic marketing platform.

New Content For Everyone!

Our marketplace of content streams is growing every month and we have lots of new streams planned for 2022. Keep your eye on the Now Streaming section of the PartnerOn Journal to learn about new highlights and check your dashboard to see all the content streams available to you.

As the host of the largest content marketplaces for the channel, we at ContentMX look forward to continuing to provide the top-level marketing support you deserve from the best technology vendors in the world – all while keeping your data and your marketing tools under your control.

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